Assalaamu Alaykom dear parents,
We had a very nice week alhamdulillah.
We've been reading stories (shared reading, individual reading, group reading). We are also working on writing a short story summary.
Students have learnt that in order to write a story summary they should:
Find the main idea.
Add fundamental details.
Mention important details in the beginning of the story, middle and ending.
Introduce Characters and setting.
We have
been reviewing and drilling addition and subtraction. Students solve and show
their strategies for solving number or story problems.
We have seen the long u sound.
test on Thursday, on the following words:
rule, use, tune, mule, due, true, grew, few,
you, cute.
We have studied the following aspects in our unit Air and Water in the Environment:
Air gives life
Air has weight
Air is invisible
How does air move?
Wonderful Water
The students have enjoyed the experiments that we've done so far.
Social Studies
We've been talking about different communities around the world. We've watched 3 videos about an Indian community, a Pakistani community and a Romanian community.
Students have also worked on a class project (The community helper I want to be)
Islamic Studies
We've been talking and doing varied activities about salat and khushoo'.
Our theme for art this week is warm colors and cool colors.
Jazakom Allah khairan and have a restful weekend.
Tr Hajer.