Monday, 29 September 2014


As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. We are learning about consonants.

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read The Builders of the Kabah and Pilgrimage.

Math: We are learning to tell the time using the expressions quarter past, half past and quarter to. I drew clocks on the board and students wrote the time. Students played a game with clocks.

Islamic Studies: We talked about the Eid craft we will be making tomorrow for our bulletin boards.

Gym: We played What Time is it Mr. Wolf and Freeze tag.

Science: Grade 2A joined us and we watched a video about mammals. Students answered questions about the characteristics of mammals.

  • Sign your child's spelling quiz.
  • Tomorrow is Spirit Day! Students should wear something red and bring in non- perishable food items for our Sadaqa Food Bank drive.
Jazakumullahu khaira,
Tr. Hina