Sunday, 27 November 2016

Class News and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

We had a very busy and awesome week full of learning, Alhamdululilah! Here are some updates:

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 9 (long vowel e). Then, we completed exercises containing words with "long vowel o" in lesson 10. 

Grammar: On Monday, students learned that adjectives are words that describe nouns. As an example, we made a mind map on how to describe 2B if someone wants to ask us about our class. We were very observant and added lots of details about our class in the mind map. Then , students were shown an apple and were asked to describe it using the five senses. They used their sense of smell, touch, sight, taste, and hearing to describe the apple. For the taste part, each student got to eat an apple slice! Yum Yum.They had a blast! 
Finally, students wrote to describe an apple using their five senses in their journals.

Math: On Monday, we started a new chapter called "LINEAR MEASUREMENT".  Students were given an overview of different measuring attributes (Time, temperature, mass, volume, capacity, area, perimeter, and length)We learned that linear measurement means  we can measure the length, height, and width of different objects using nonstandard units or tools(pencil, paper clip, hand width, straw...etc). Students read the definitions of HEIGHT and LENGTH in their math workbooks and then completed page 41,42 and 43. 
During the first few days, students did lots of hands on activities by measuring objects around the class with the help of different non-standard units.

Students also learned that we can use our hands and feet to measure the length or width of different objects. On Wednesday , We watched the first half of a video called "How Big is a Foot?" where a king wanted to give his queen a bed as a gift. Students worked in groups to make beds for the queen that were 6 feet long and 3 feet wide (measurements from the story) only to find that the beds were different sizes since our feet are different sizes. We finished watching the video and learned that using STANDARD UNITS would be so much easier! 

Students got the understanding that since everyone's hands and fingers are all different sizes, therefore a centimetre was introduced in rulers and measuring tape which always is the same length and we call this a standard unit.Students wrote down the definition of centimetre and learned the symbol(cm). They did several hands-on activities measuring with a ruler in centimetres through independent and group work.

The correct way to measure with a ruler:

Home Connection: For extra practice at home, you can do the following:

1.  Get a piece of paper, a pencil, and a ruler.
2.  Find different objects around the house to measure.
3.  On your paper write down the name of the object.
4.  Estimate how many centimetres you think it is and write it down.
5.  Measure the object with your ruler and write down the actual measurement.

Some useful links to fun measuring games:

Islamic Studies/Writing/Art Project:Students completed their "Wudu Lapbook." While working on the lapbook students continued to review the steps of wudu, as they do daily before going to make wudu for Dhur prayer. In addition to this, we are practicing memorizing the dua after wudu every day at morning izkar time and after wudu for Dhur Prayer as a class.

Science: Students reviewed the lesson about "Reptiles" and then wrote 5 special things about reptiles independently.

Science/Writing/Art Project:Students sat on the carpet and read a book on Green Sea Turtles, as part of our animal study about Reptiles. Before reading, we wrote what we know about green sea turtles and what we want to know about green sea turtles on a graphic organizer called "KWL chart." After reading, we wrote down some interesting and fascinating information about green sea turtles as a class in the "what we learned" part of the chart. This will be a different informative writing activity as compared to the last three writing pieces about animals. Students are working on writing an informative book with non-fiction text features (Book cover, title, table of contents, sub-topics, glossary, index, illustrations, and labels). This week, our focus was "how to write a table of contents" and details for the sub-topics. Students are working on the physical characteristics, diet, and habitat of green sea turtles. MashaAllah they are doing a fabulous job!

Turtle Camouflage Art:In art class, students made the cover page of their book. They used oil pastels, chalk and construction paper to help the sea turtle camouflage in the background. The art class was enjoyed by all, MashaAllah. Please take a look at their awesome work below:

Computer Lab:Students learned to write about popcorn using describing words(Adjectives) in Microsoft paint. They learned how to use different tools in a Microsoft paint to write and have a colourful picture of a popcorn box. Jazaki Allah Khair to Muhammad's mom for sending popcorn. It was easier for students to write about popcorn using the five senses while enjoying the salty and crunchy treat.:)


  • Spelling test on "lesson 10"  will be on Tuesday, November 29nd, 2016 in shaa Allah. The list words are:
  • Those, low, goat, own, coat, go, hope, sold, over, ago.
  •  Bonus Words: length, height,width,shorter, longer.
  • Spirit day#2 MELLOW YELLOW DAY  will be on Wednesday,November 30th,2016.
  • Homework pack is due on Thursday,December1st.
  • Encourage your child to read on Razkids every day for twenty minutes.
  • Please sign and return your child's spelling notebook by Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Arabic Class Update (Tr. Hoda Harb)

Assalamu alaikum respected parents

Grade 2 learned a lesson related to letter "ب" new words and shapes of the letter with tashkeel, tanween and moddood. They continued the theme related to family members in reading small sentences and understanding their meaning, then writing them neatly on in their note -books.
They had an activity to connect the word to the picture and reading test for what they practiced.
Our new lesson will be related to letter "ت" . 
Insha'Allah during this week I'll be sending homework sheets, please encourage your child to read to you what he/she learned in class.

Please if you have any question do not hesitate to send me an email.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan

T. Hoda Harb

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Class News and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

We had a short but busy week, Alhamdululilah! Here are some updates:

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 8 (long vowel u). Then, we completed exercises containing words with "long vowel e" in lesson 9. Those who didn't finish took their spelling books home.

Author's Purpose(To Inform): Students were reminded that one of the "Author's Purpose" is to inform. They were further told that in addition to writing about facts, writing a recipe also falls under the category of "How to do things." Then, we practiced writing a recipe by actually making a fun snack in class. We wrote the recipe of how to make nachos. Students did all the steps of making nachos and then went back to their seats to write a recipe on their own. Lastly, they all dug in to taste the yummy nachos. :) We all had a blast!
P.S. Jazaki Allah Khair to Faisal's Mom who came to help out during this fun but                     informative activity. 




Math: Students practiced reading, creating and describing bar graphs and pictographs throughout the week. We reviewed all the components to build a graph and clarified misconceptions about graphing skills. On Thursday, students wrote a test which was the final activity in the unit Data Management.

Starting Monday, we are going to start a new unit called "Linear Measurement" inshaaAllah!

Islamic Studies/Writing: Last week, we learned about the "Shining Treasures"(Quran and Hadeeth). This week. students wrote an informative piece about the "Shining Treasures" in their journals. Their task was to write three informative sentences about each of the Shining Treasures.

Islamic Studies/Writing/Art Project:Students continued to work on their "Wudu Lapbook."

Health: We learned that there is no such thing as good food and bad food, but rather "EVERYDAY FOOD" and SOMETIMES FOOD." We also learned about a Balanced DIET. Students worked in groups to cutout pictures of different foods from flyers and paste them in right the category (everyday or sometimes). Afterwards, they made a balanced meal plate.
Masha'Allah they all did a fabulous job! 

Science: Students started to learn about "Reptiles." First, we watched an educational video about reptiles and then discussed the characteristics. Finally, we completed a tree map about reptiles as a class. Here is a link to the video for review about reptiles at home.


  • Spelling test on "lesson 9"  will be on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016 in shaa Allah. The list words are:
  • rule , use, tune, mule, due, true, grew, few, you, cute.
  •  Bonus Words: Least, most,survey.
  • No Homework pack this week.
  • Encourage your child to read on Razkids every day for twenty minutes.
Have a great Weekend!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Class Updates and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

We had a great week, Alhamdululilah! Here are some updates:

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 7 (long vowel a). Then, we completed exercises containing words with "long vowel i" in lesson 8. Those who didn't finish took their spelling books home.

Reading:Students learned "Author's Purpose!" It means an author writes for three purposes and it is as easy as PIE (P- to persuade,  I- to inform, E- to entertain). Students took turns and gave examples of each Author's Purpose which were recorded on chart paper.

Grammar: Students solidified their understanding of types of sentences by playing a game called "Jeopardy." Students were engaged and had lots of fun.had an opportunity to review the types of sentences and correct punctuation through this collaborative learning activity. Students also wrote a pop quiz on types of sentences.


Math: On Monday, students made a bar graph booklet. First, we brainstormed different topics that can be surveyed as a class. Then, each student chose a topic and wrote down a survey question in their booklet with answer choices. Then, they surveyed 10 students in the class. Next, each student made a tally chart based on the data collected from the classmates in their bar graph booklet. Finally, they showed the result by creating a bar graph using TAILS.

The next day, students worked in groups to create/construct a bar graph about the colours of froot loops. Each group was given a cup filled with Froot Loops cereal. Their job was to sort all the colours      of Froot Loops, then count each colourAfterwards, they used the collected data to create a bar graph and to write questions to share and compare the data about the cereal with the class. Two groups had a chance to present their bar graph to the class. On Wednesday, students interpreted the information from the poster of a basketball game to write a survey question. Then, they made a tally chart and showed results in a bar graph using TAILS. The 2Bs are becoming experts in their graphing skills, MashaAllah!
On Thursday, students were introduced to "Pictographs." They wrote the definition and labeled the parts of a pictograph in their math journals. They  also completed some worksheets on a pictograph.

Islamic Studies: We learned what a "Shining Treasure" is. Students learned that the Quran and Hadeeth are shining treasures for Muslims and that we should follow the teachings of these two treasures to be a good human and good Muslim.

Writing: Students learned more about the "I" part of Author's Purpose "PIE". They learned that an author or writer writes "How To" writing to tell/inform the reader how to do something.  "How to" writing is also called procedural writing.

Thursday Tooth Fun: We did all the learning related to cleanliness of teeth on Thursday. We made a pictograph about how many teeth have been lost so far among girls/ boys in our class. We carried out a survey, collected the data and created a pictograph using an appropriate key. The survey result showed that boys lost more teeth than girls in our class. 

During language time, a community helper (Aamina as a dentist) came to our class. She talked about why it's important to clean our teeth regularly twice a day and how to brush teeth. Students took turns demonstrating how to brush teeth on a teeth model. They had a blast, Alhumdulilah! 


Then, it was time to do 'how to writing' about brushing teeth. First, students learned that in how to writing we use transition words, and the instructions to do something should be in order. Then, students completed a sequencing activity about how to brush your teeth in groups. Lastly, students completed a guided writing activity on how to brush teeth independently. The little dentist also brought toothbrushes for each student to take home. Jazak Allah Khair to Aamina's mom (who is a dentist) for helping to make learning fun and memorable for all students.

Islamic Studies/Writing/Art Project: After talking about the cleanliness of the body, students were learned about Wudu(Cleanliness of body and heart). They watched two educational videos about steps of wudu, students reviewed wudu by taking turns to show the steps of wudu in proper order. Then they started to work on an in-class Islamic Studies project about Wudu. It is a wudu lap book where students will be working on a how to make wudu step book, a wudu puzzle, a flower foldable that shows things that nullifies wudu, a wudu word search, and what the Quran says about wudu. They all are enjoying and doing a great job on their lap book, Masha Allah! Stay tuned for the pictures :)

Gym: We played "Porcupine Relay Race" in our gym time and had lots of fun!

  • ·        Spelling test on "lesson 8"  will be on Tuesday, in shaa Allah. The list words are:
  •         Wide, mile, line, hide, fire, nice, fine, mind, find and behind. 
  •          Bonus Words: Pictograph, wudu, salah.
  • ·        Students will have a test on Bar graphs and Pictograph on Nov17th, 2016. Practice sheets for the test are included in the homework pack.
  • ·        Homework pack is due on Monday,November 21st, 2016.
  • ·        Encourage your child to read on Razkids every day for twenty minutes.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Last Week's Updates

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

We had a wonderful week of learning and exploring, Alhamdululilah! Here are some updates:

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 6(Review of lessons 1-5). Then we completed exercises containing words with "long vowel a" in lesson 7. Those who didn't finish took their spelling books home.

Reading:We continued to focus on reading connections "text to self". Students listened to "Ordinary Mary's Extra Ordinary Deeds" and they made connections to themselves. From the story "Searching for Kindness" students learned that kindness lives in the heart and we have to spread kindness. In "Ordinary Mary's Extra Ordinary Deeds" a young girl's good deed is multiplied as it is passed on by those who have been touched by the kindness of others. Students connected this story to self by taking turns sharing their simple acts of kindness and how it touched other people. 

Grammer: We continued to practice distinguishing and identifying the 4 types of sentences. Students were given a comic strip worksheet from one of the books of the famous author Mo Williams to write a skit using the 4 Types of sentences.They were all very creative and did a fabulous job, mashaAllah!


Math: Students started to learn a new strand in Mathematics called"Data Management". Also just like last year, I introduced the math journals, Alhumdullilah. We started off by writing down the definitions of key terms in our math journals(Data, Bar Graph, and Survey).The next day students were introduced to the parts of a bar graph using an acronym called "TAILS".They wrote down the meaning of TAILS and labeled a picture of a bar graph in their journals.They also learned what survey means and then wrote 3 survey questions in their journals. After gathering up all the information and knowledge needed to construct a bar graph they completed different activities through group and individual work.


Science: Students reviewed what they learned about fish last week. First, we took turns sharing information about fish as a class, and then we completed the "five special things about fish" worksheet independently.They also learned and understood what life cycle is.

Islamic Studies: Students wrote a pop quiz about Eid and Prophet Adam.
Science/ Writing/Math/Art: Before the lesson, I asked students which type of fish they wanted to learn. Then, we did a survey and the survey told us that most students want to learn about the great white shark than a regular fish.Then, students sat on the carpet and I read a nonfiction book on Great White Sharks, as part of our animal study about Fish. Before reading, we wrote what we know about the Great White Shark  and what we want to know about it on a graphic organizer called "KWL chart." After reading, we wrote down all the interesting and fascinating information about Great White Shark as a class in the "what we learned" part of the chart. Following this, we reviewed all the information one more time and then students independently wrote down the information in simple sentences on a poster worksheet. After given a description of great white shark,students asked citizens to rescue great white shark because it is an endangered animal.They edited their work by referring to our CUPS chart. Students also used gray clay to decorate the picture of a great white shark on their poster. They did a great job, Alhumdullilah!

Something Fishy in Art  Class!!:)lSince it was a "fish week" in grade 2B, we thought of making artwork about Fish. We learned the abstract artwork based on the painting of Piet Mondrian. I showed them samples of the fish painting of Piet Mondrian's  inspired art. Students did a wonderful job using lines and primary colours on fish printables!



  • Spelling test on "lesson 7"  will be Tomorrow  in shaa Allah.
  • Students took home their quran rubric. Please sign and return it back.
  • Homework pack is due on Thursday,November 10th, 2016.
  • Encourage your child to read on Razkids every day for twenty minutes.