Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents


Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Language: Today we learned about pronouns. Students completed a worksheet where they circled pronouns and replaced nouns with pronouns.

Guided Reading: Today we had our first guided reading class where Tr. Naaz joined us and students were placed in groups according to their reading level. Tr. Naaz and I each sat with a group and the students took turns to read while the other groups read quietly. 

Math: We learned about the double facts in number sense. We completed page 38 in our math books. Student took home the double facts chart to memorize.

Reading Chain: Today students took turns to show their reading chain to the class.


  • Memorize the double facts.
  • Practice spelling list words lesson 16.
  • Complete page 68 in the spelling book,
  • Students also took their assessment folders home today. Please sign your child's quizzes and send them to school by Thursday.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening inshaAllah!