Monday, 19 December 2016

Message from Tr. Salam

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السادة أولياء الامور الكرام
                     السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ....
يستطيع الطالب الان استعارة قصة باللغة العربية من مكتبة المدرسة...... مع (جدول متابعة) ليسجل عليه الطالب اسم القصة  التي قرأها مع مدة القراءة بالدقيقة لكل مرة يقرأ بها جزء أو بضعة جمل أو صفحات منها مع توقيع ولي الامر ، و على الطالب اعادة القصة  الى المدرسة خلال أسبوعين من تاريخ استعارتها .....
فالرجاء :
*المحافظة على القصة و عدم اتلافها .
*تسليم القصة، و جدول المتابعة، داخل الكيس المخصص لهما في الوقت المحدد .   ( أسبوعان من تاريخ الاستلام ) .
*حث الطالب/ة على القراءة و تشجيعه عليها، و ذلك بأن تجلس معه على الاقل خمس مرات في الاسبوع لقراءة جزء من القصة ( عدة كلمات أو جمل أو صفحات)  وتستطيع مساعدةه على القراءة بأن تقرأ له صفحة ثم تطلب منه قراءة و تهجئة بعض كلمات منها , أو قراءة جملة .... و هكذا .
*تفسير الكلمات الصعبة له، و التأكد من فهمه لما يسمع أو يقرأ، و ذلك بطرح أسئلة عليه خلال القراءة،  أوالطلب منه اعادة المواقف الرئيسية التي مرت به، و ماذا يتوقع بعد ذلك ... و هكذا .
*عدم التدقيق على الاخطاء البسيطة التي لا تؤثر على المعنى .
*التذكرة خلال القراءة بالكلمات التي تتكرر فيسهل على الطالب /ة قراءتها مرة أخرى .
* تقطيع الكلمات خلال القراءة  إلى مقاطع فيسهل قراءتها .        مثال : 
  - يلفظ كل حرف في الكلمة لوحده مشكلا ( سبح : س ب ح    – قفل :  ق ف ل ) .
- الحرف الساكن يلفظ كمقطع مع الحرف السابق له ( خبز -  خب . ز ) (مبخرة - مب . خ . ر . ة)
كذلك حرف المد يلفظ كمقطع مع الحرف السابق له ( حصان – ح . صا . ن ) ( إبريق - إب .ري . ق ) ( طيور – ط . يو . ر ) .......  و قد تم تدريب الطالب /ة على ذلك خلال القراءة الحرة الجماعية في الفصل .
*اعادة قراءة القصة عدة مرات ، وعدم الاكتفاء بقراءتها مرة واحدة ، و ذلك للاستفادة.
*تسجيل ما يقرأ الطالب من القصة، و مدة القراءة التي استغرقها في كل مرة ، على جدول متابعة القراءة الحرة المرفق مع الطالب ، حتى يتسنى لنا تشجيعه و مكافأته عليها .  

                                                                            و جزاكم الله على حسن تعاونكم الدائم

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Class News and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

We had a great week, Alhamdululilah! Here are some updates:

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 11 (long vowel e). Then, they completed exercises on lesson 12 which is a revision of lessons 7 to 11.

Grammar: We went over what adjectives are, and completed a package on adjectives.

Math: We reviewed linear measurement. Then on Tuesday, students wrote a pop quiz on linear measurement 
On Wednesday, we started a new chapter which is measuring time. 
In this chapter students will learn how to tell time to an hour, to half an hour, and to quarter of an hour(quarter to/quarter after) on an analog and digital clock.
To start off, students wrote down the definitions of a day, a week, a month, and a year in their math journals and learned the relation between them. They also completed a worksheet on telling time to an hour. 

Islamic Studies: On Friday, the 4Bs joined us to teach us about wudu. Students worked in groups where the grade 4 students acted out wudu, and the grade 2Bs had to figure out the mistakes they made. They did a wonderful job, MashaAllah!

Science/Writing/Art Project: Students finished writing about green sea turtles' predators. Next week, they will complete the glossary and index which will be the last part of their non-fiction writing project on green sea turtles inshaaAllah.

Science:  We learned about the characteristics of Amphibians. In the next class, students completed a worksheet independently about the 5 special things about amphibians to show what we know about them.

 Field TripAlhamdulilah we had a great time at the History Museum. Students enjoyed watching the Imax movie about great white sharks  and learning about different countries at the Children's Museum.

 I would like to thank all the volunteers for their time and help! We could not have done this without them! Jazakum Allahu khairan!


  • Spelling test on "lesson 12"( revision of lessons 7 to 11)  will be on Thursday, December 15th, 2016 in shaa Allah. 
  • Milk forms are sent home and are due by December 16th, 2016.
  •  No Homework pack this week.
  • Social Studies Project is due on December 13th.

 Jazakum Allahu Khairun!

Thursday, 8 December 2016

French Project

Assalamu-Alaykum Dear parents,

We will be preparing a reading and writing French project. We will start the presentation on Monday, Dec20, 2016 Insha’Allah.  Your child will prepare one or two paragraphs related to the story (Petite Pauline) we learned in class using his /her own words. The students have to change the:

Title  ( le titre )
Name of characters (personnages)
The place ( where )
The time  (when )
The thing ( la bague )
See attached one example.
  I do require your full support, in order for this project to be a successful one. 
I would ask you to help your child understand the criteria in the two rubrics (reading & writing) and encourage him/her to read a story you will find attached to this letter.
For those who might find the project challenging, I need your help to encourage them to constantly seek my assistance. I will give them more help.
        Please feel free to contact me by email or directly if you have any concerns.
Jazakum Allah Kheir,
Teacher Said
French teacher coordinator

Quran Updates(Tr. Salam)

Asalamu Alaikum,

We finished  Surat Al- Ghashiyah.I am very happy with the active student participation during our Quran class. Thank you for following up with the students to do their homework.

We covered lessons 1, 2 and 3 from the Nourania style of Quran reading.

Below are three links video for lessons 1, 2  and 3 for the students to practice at home.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Class News and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

We had a productive week, Alhamdululilah! Here are some updates:

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 10 (long vowel o). Then, they completed exercises containing words with "long vowel e" in lesson 11.

GrammerStudents reviewed adjectives as describing words that come before a noun. After the review, we used adjectives by writing riddle poems. First, they brainstormed the adjectives that can describe a noun(Frog) as a class.  Next, they worked in pairs to write a riddle using describing words by picking an animal of their choice. Lastly, they took turns to read their riddle to the class to guess their chosen animal. Can you guess the following riddles? 

Anti- Bullying Week:Last week was an anti-bullying week. Students went to the gym and took part in anti- bullying activities organized by the anti- bullying team. Students can also participate in the anti- bullying poster contest. For more information please go to the Elementary Bulletin Board.


Math: We revised how to find the perimeter of a 2D shape.Students worked on worksheets where they found the perimeter of different shapes. Students also  learned to identify the difference between centimeter and meter. They learned that 1cm=100m and 1cm = 10mm and we use these units to measure small and big objects. They worked in groups, in pairs and independently to practice estimating,measuring and recording with a ruler and a meter stick. Students also explored how to measure a distance around (Perimeter) a 3D shape. They used different 3D objects from the class to measure around with a string. Then they  used a ruler to measure the length of a string in order to find the perimeter of a 3D shape.

Islamic Studies: We played "Charades" to review the steps of wudu and completed related exercises in our Islamic Studies workbook.

Science/Writing/Art Project:Students finished writing their table of contents, introduction, appearance, diet, habitat, and cool facts about green sea turtles. Now, they are working on the life cycle of a green sea turtle. Next week, our focus will be learning and writing about their predators inshaaAllah. 

Social Studies: On Friday, students took home the details of their Social Studies project called "Design a  World Community Brochure."  Refer to the handout/rubric for more details and information about the project. All brochures are due on December 13th.  An email will be sent soon regarding the presentation schedule inshaaAllah.

Math Art with Measurement: On Friday, students practiced what they know about linear measurement. First, they made a measurement garden where they put different heights of flowers in order (from tallest to shortest) and then measured their lengths. Second, they read an amazing book called "Actual Size" where they got to see, compare and learn the actual size of different animals. The author and illustrator did an awesome job compiling the actual sizes of different animals and their body parts. Students compared their hand length with the gorilla's hand by estimating, measuring and recording. Then they painted their hands and left a handprint on the gorilla's handprint to compare the length of their hand to the actual length of the gorilla's hand. JazakAllah khair Br. Adil, V.P. Naaz, Tr. Dina Shalabi and Tr. Said for giving us a chance to compare their handprints with the gorilla's hand.  Lastly, students coloured a mystery picture using a colour code. Afterwards, they measured the perimeter of the picture.


  • Spelling test on "lesson 11"  will be on Tuesday, December 6th, 2016 in shaa Allah. The list words are:
  • feed, sea , meet, real, keep, week, deep, easy, beach, clean. 
  •  Bonus Words: Perimeter, Centimeter, meter and Tayummum.
  • Milk forms are sent home and are due by December 16th, 2016.
  • Homework pack is due on Thursday, December 8th, 2016.
  • We are going to Canada's History museum. Please sign and return the field trip form by Tuesday, December 6th, 2016.
  • Please sign and return the graph test by Monday.

             Jazakum Allahu Khairun!


Sunday, 27 November 2016

Class News and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

We had a very busy and awesome week full of learning, Alhamdululilah! Here are some updates:

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 9 (long vowel e). Then, we completed exercises containing words with "long vowel o" in lesson 10. 

Grammar: On Monday, students learned that adjectives are words that describe nouns. As an example, we made a mind map on how to describe 2B if someone wants to ask us about our class. We were very observant and added lots of details about our class in the mind map. Then , students were shown an apple and were asked to describe it using the five senses. They used their sense of smell, touch, sight, taste, and hearing to describe the apple. For the taste part, each student got to eat an apple slice! Yum Yum.They had a blast! 
Finally, students wrote to describe an apple using their five senses in their journals.

Math: On Monday, we started a new chapter called "LINEAR MEASUREMENT".  Students were given an overview of different measuring attributes (Time, temperature, mass, volume, capacity, area, perimeter, and length)We learned that linear measurement means  we can measure the length, height, and width of different objects using nonstandard units or tools(pencil, paper clip, hand width, straw...etc). Students read the definitions of HEIGHT and LENGTH in their math workbooks and then completed page 41,42 and 43. 
During the first few days, students did lots of hands on activities by measuring objects around the class with the help of different non-standard units.

Students also learned that we can use our hands and feet to measure the length or width of different objects. On Wednesday , We watched the first half of a video called "How Big is a Foot?" where a king wanted to give his queen a bed as a gift. Students worked in groups to make beds for the queen that were 6 feet long and 3 feet wide (measurements from the story) only to find that the beds were different sizes since our feet are different sizes. We finished watching the video and learned that using STANDARD UNITS would be so much easier! 

Students got the understanding that since everyone's hands and fingers are all different sizes, therefore a centimetre was introduced in rulers and measuring tape which always is the same length and we call this a standard unit.Students wrote down the definition of centimetre and learned the symbol(cm). They did several hands-on activities measuring with a ruler in centimetres through independent and group work.

The correct way to measure with a ruler:

Home Connection: For extra practice at home, you can do the following:

1.  Get a piece of paper, a pencil, and a ruler.
2.  Find different objects around the house to measure.
3.  On your paper write down the name of the object.
4.  Estimate how many centimetres you think it is and write it down.
5.  Measure the object with your ruler and write down the actual measurement.

Some useful links to fun measuring games:

Islamic Studies/Writing/Art Project:Students completed their "Wudu Lapbook." While working on the lapbook students continued to review the steps of wudu, as they do daily before going to make wudu for Dhur prayer. In addition to this, we are practicing memorizing the dua after wudu every day at morning izkar time and after wudu for Dhur Prayer as a class.

Science: Students reviewed the lesson about "Reptiles" and then wrote 5 special things about reptiles independently.

Science/Writing/Art Project:Students sat on the carpet and read a book on Green Sea Turtles, as part of our animal study about Reptiles. Before reading, we wrote what we know about green sea turtles and what we want to know about green sea turtles on a graphic organizer called "KWL chart." After reading, we wrote down some interesting and fascinating information about green sea turtles as a class in the "what we learned" part of the chart. This will be a different informative writing activity as compared to the last three writing pieces about animals. Students are working on writing an informative book with non-fiction text features (Book cover, title, table of contents, sub-topics, glossary, index, illustrations, and labels). This week, our focus was "how to write a table of contents" and details for the sub-topics. Students are working on the physical characteristics, diet, and habitat of green sea turtles. MashaAllah they are doing a fabulous job!

Turtle Camouflage Art:In art class, students made the cover page of their book. They used oil pastels, chalk and construction paper to help the sea turtle camouflage in the background. The art class was enjoyed by all, MashaAllah. Please take a look at their awesome work below:

Computer Lab:Students learned to write about popcorn using describing words(Adjectives) in Microsoft paint. They learned how to use different tools in a Microsoft paint to write and have a colourful picture of a popcorn box. Jazaki Allah Khair to Muhammad's mom for sending popcorn. It was easier for students to write about popcorn using the five senses while enjoying the salty and crunchy treat.:)


  • Spelling test on "lesson 10"  will be on Tuesday, November 29nd, 2016 in shaa Allah. The list words are:
  • Those, low, goat, own, coat, go, hope, sold, over, ago.
  •  Bonus Words: length, height,width,shorter, longer.
  • Spirit day#2 MELLOW YELLOW DAY  will be on Wednesday,November 30th,2016.
  • Homework pack is due on Thursday,December1st.
  • Encourage your child to read on Razkids every day for twenty minutes.
  • Please sign and return your child's spelling notebook by Monday.

Have a great weekend!