Sunday, 11 December 2016

Class News and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

We had a great week, Alhamdululilah! Here are some updates:

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 11 (long vowel e). Then, they completed exercises on lesson 12 which is a revision of lessons 7 to 11.

Grammar: We went over what adjectives are, and completed a package on adjectives.

Math: We reviewed linear measurement. Then on Tuesday, students wrote a pop quiz on linear measurement 
On Wednesday, we started a new chapter which is measuring time. 
In this chapter students will learn how to tell time to an hour, to half an hour, and to quarter of an hour(quarter to/quarter after) on an analog and digital clock.
To start off, students wrote down the definitions of a day, a week, a month, and a year in their math journals and learned the relation between them. They also completed a worksheet on telling time to an hour. 

Islamic Studies: On Friday, the 4Bs joined us to teach us about wudu. Students worked in groups where the grade 4 students acted out wudu, and the grade 2Bs had to figure out the mistakes they made. They did a wonderful job, MashaAllah!

Science/Writing/Art Project: Students finished writing about green sea turtles' predators. Next week, they will complete the glossary and index which will be the last part of their non-fiction writing project on green sea turtles inshaaAllah.

Science:  We learned about the characteristics of Amphibians. In the next class, students completed a worksheet independently about the 5 special things about amphibians to show what we know about them.

 Field TripAlhamdulilah we had a great time at the History Museum. Students enjoyed watching the Imax movie about great white sharks  and learning about different countries at the Children's Museum.

 I would like to thank all the volunteers for their time and help! We could not have done this without them! Jazakum Allahu khairan!


  • Spelling test on "lesson 12"( revision of lessons 7 to 11)  will be on Thursday, December 15th, 2016 in shaa Allah. 
  • Milk forms are sent home and are due by December 16th, 2016.
  •  No Homework pack this week.
  • Social Studies Project is due on December 13th.

 Jazakum Allahu Khairun!