Saturday, 24 September 2016

Class Updates and Important Reminders!

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

Reading: We started to practice the first component of the Daily 5 program which is "Read To Self." Students are practicing to be independent readers by building their reading stamina for a certain period of time. So far, Grade 2B are doing a great job learning to be independent readers, MashaAllah. 

Spelling: We completed our first lesson about consonants (letters that are not vowels) in our spelling books. Every Tuesday we will have our spelling quiz from the previous lesson and afterwards, we will start a new lesson inshaAllah. 

Math:We started a new unit in Math called "Numbers from 1-50." To start the unit, we brainstormed the guiding question, "How do we use Numbers?," as a class. We used a mind map and took turns to share how many ways we can see and use numbers in real life. Students then made their own mind map independently on page 12 in their Nelson Workbooks.

Grammer: We started to learn about Nouns(common and proper nouns). 

Islamic Studies: Students learned about Prophet Ibrahim.

Social Studies:We started to learn about  traditions and celebrations around the world. We watched some educational videos with 2A and then discussed the different traditions and celebrations of people living in Canada.

DRA (Development Reading Assessment):  Last week, I started the DRA. I will be done assessing all the students by next week inshaaAllah

  • Spelling test on Tuesday, September 27th,2016.
  • List words for Tuesday's spelling test are: fox, cut, hill, wind, put, all, moon,saw, tell, new.
  • Please sign your child's agenda
  • Milk forms were sent home yesterday.
  • Raz-kids login sheet has been sent home yesterday.
  • Encourage your child to explore Razkids every day for twenty minutes.
  • Homework pack #1 is due on Thursday, September 29th,2016.

Have a great weekend!