Here are some class updates:
Spelling: Students completed exercises for lesson 23 on "CONTRACTIONS" (Spelling shortcuts). Students learned different contractions, and they answered questions about contractions in their spelling books. They had a quiz on lesson 23.
They also wrote a fiction story called "My Contraction Caterpillar" where they used different contractions in their story.
Reading/ Writing: Students sat on the carpet and we talked about the author's purpose (to persuade, to inform or to entertain)Then, students listened to a book called "I wanna Iguana" and brainstormed as a class how to persuade their parents to have a pet.
Next, students completed a worksheet where they chose a pet and wrote reasons why this pet is good and how they would take care of it. The next day, we talked about different parts of a friendly letter. Each student wrote a letter to his/her parents convincing them to get a pet. They used the drafts they'd made the day before.Students did a great job MashaAllah!
Math: We've been learning addition and subtraction without regrouping. They learned different ways to add and subtract 2 digit numbers using base ten blocks, the decomposing method and the traditional method(vertical way). They also learned the 4 steps of solving word problems. On Friday, before March Break, students wrote a pop quiz too.
Islamic Studies: We are learning about the Seerah (Story of Prophet Mohammed (SAW)) and how we should always take the Prophet (SAW) as a role model. students completed exercises about what we have learned so far about the Seerah. They also wrote an open book test on the first five chapters about the Seerah.
Science: We did 3 fun experiments about liquids and solids as a class. First, we did an experiment called " Liquid Race" where students observed how some liquids are thick and some are thin. We had a race between oil, maple syrup, mustard, and ketchup and then recorded our findings. Ask your child which liquid came 1st place, which one was 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.
Then we tested what happens when we mix different liquids with water and recorded our results in a worksheet. We learned what a mixture and a solution is. Lastly, students observed an experiment where they learned what happens when we mix different solids( Salt, sugar, sand, powder milk, parsley flakes, and mustard) in a liquid ( water). We learned that salt and sugar when mixed with water make a solution while the other solids that didn't mix are mixtures.
We also experimented things that absorb water and things that repel water.
Portfolios: We worked on designing our portfolio covers, selecting work to include in the portfolio and more! It was truly a pleasure seeing most of the families at the Student Led Conference.
Estimation Station Winner!
On the night of the Student Led Conference, one of the activities for our dear families was to estimate the number of pretzels in the estimation jar. All the families tried their best and wrote the estimated number on post -its.
The winner for the Estimation Station contest is the family of Sara Sultan, MashaAllah! Sara's mom estimated 103 and the actual number was 102!
Sara took home the jar filled with pretzels and a bag of chocolates to share with her family, Congratulation to Sara's Family!
Jazakum Allahu Khairun!