Thursday, 18 May 2017

Class Updates!

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

Here are some updates about what we have done so far:

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz on homonyms lesson 35.

Reading/Writing: We have been doing lots of reading and writing activities related to our novel study "Chocolate Fever." Stay tuned for the detailed post.

Math: We learned how to measure the area of a shape using non-standard and standard units.  

Measuring With Non-Standard units:



Measuring With Standard units:

We watched educational videos, did group and individual work, and other hands-on activities to explore and master the concept of measuring an area of different polygons.

Math Centres:



We also learned about 3-D shapes. We made a 3-Dshape chart as a class. in which we wrote the number of edges, faces, and vertices of each solid shape. Students also learned about solids that roll, slide, and stack.
Moreover, they learned how to make  3D skeletons of different solid shapes using clay, and popsicle sticks.


Science: We have finished our unit on " Movement".To conclude the unit, a project is assigned and details have been sent home.

Simple Machines Workshop: We attended an awesome, very educational and interactive workshop on "Simple Machines" by Scientist in School. Students solidified their knowledge about the 6 simple machines we learned in class through different hands-on experiments and activities. Jazakum Allahu Khairun to all parent volunteers who donated their time. 

 Pottery Workshop: The pottery workshop tied very well with art and 3-D shapes. Students learned how to roll a piece of clay into a sphere and then they made different creatures like monsters, beavers, and aliens using the pottery techniques taught by the 2 instructors. Their creative creatures were taken by the pottery team to be fired and glazed at their facility. The pieces will be returned at the end of May inshaaAllah.   


Jazakum Allahu Khairun!