Monday, 22 December 2014

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents


Today we had a great day alhahumdulilah.

Math: We are learning about probability. Students used spinners to play probability games. They completed pages 118 and 119 in their math books.

Science: Students took turns to give facts about reptiles. They wrote six special facts they learned about reptiles.

Social Studies: We talk about the different types of maps, what a legend is and ordinal directions. Students were given a castle map and they labelled the different places in the castle by following the directions.

Class Dojo:
The winners for class dojo for the month of January are  Layan, Rayyan, and Shaymaa. Congratulations to them, MashaAllah.
Also, we had a monthly Dojo party and a lots of fun, Alhumdulilah.

Jazakumu Allahu Khairun for your continuous support and cooperation.

Have a wonderful and restful winter break!

  • Winter Homework pack due January 07,2014.