Sunday, 21 February 2016

Class Updates and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a great week Alhamdulillah!

Spelling:  Students wrote their spelling quiz on  words that have "th" and "sh" sounds...
We completed lesson 20 in our spelling books where we learned words that have "wh" and "ch" sounds..

Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self. Masha'Allah they are doing an outstanding job maintain stamina! 

Writing:On Friday, it was the 100th day of school at Abraar. Students wrote in their journals what they would do if they celebrated 100 days in grade 2. They did a great job, MashaAllah!

Math:This week we explored more numbers. Students learned and practiced addition with grouping using base 10 blocks. 

Math Centres: Students practiced what they know about place value by visiting different math centres.They played different board games with dice and built numbers using place values on the iPad.

Library: Tr. Nancy talked to students about the library rules and consequences. Please see the pictures of rules and consequences below:

Science: Students learned what matter is and started to learn about 3 different types of matter.

Islamic Studies: Students answered questions about what they have learned about Seerah.


  • Spelling quiz on  lesson 20, on Monday.
  • Homework pack is due on Thursday!.
  • Reports cards were sent home on Friday.
  • The Student Led Conference is on March 4 th inshaa Allah.  Please send  the SLC slip by Wednesday, February 24th, 2015.

Have a Great Day!