Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Updates about Mammal Project-Tr.Nancy

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

During the grade 2A and 2B's weekly library visit, they continued with the "Planning" stage. They also chose a book on a mammal of their choice. Afterwards, they were given a KWL Chart along with a 5W1H (Who, What, Where, Why, When, and How) paper. The first step was to have them write something about their mammal that they already knew on the KWL Chart. Next, they were asked to come up with one question for each 5W1H. Asking questions is something new for them, so the teachers and I helped the students when they needed our assistance. Asking questions is a crucial part of the research process. For this reason, we want them to get into the habit of doing so; the students worked on their papers for the whole library period. 

This week, the teachers and I want them to finish their questions so that next week, they can start looking through the book to find the answers to their questions. The goal for next week is to start the "Do" stage. This step requires the students to look at the table of contents, look at the index, and read to find the answers to their questions. In addition, they will learn how to take simple notes, how to organize the information, and how to credit their sources. After all that hard work, they get to present their mammal to the class. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.


Nancy-Ann Brethour