Monday, 14 September 2015

Classwork and Quran homework

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Insha Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: We started to practice the first component of the Daily 5 program which is "Read To Self." Students are practicing to be independent readers by building their reading stamina for a certain period of time. So far, Grade 2B are doing a great job learning about how to be independent readers, MashaAllah. 

Spelling: We completed our first lesson about consonants (letters that are not vowels) in our spelling books. Every Monday we will have our spelling quiz from the previous lesson and afterwards we will start a new lesson inshaAllah. 

Math: We reviewed some Math facts by playing a game called "Catch a Ball."

Islamic Studies: We are reading Chapter 2 "I Think of Allah Everywhere" from "I love Islam"text book.I

EMBRACE SYRIA-MAC NATIONAL CAMPAIGN: Today in assembly Dr. Saleem talked to us about how important it is to put a smile on the faces of our brothers and sisters in Syria. In class we talked about how hard the situation in Syria has become, how the people are suffering, and how they are in need of our help.


  • Please practice with your child Surah Al-Bayyinah, Ayahs 1 to 2.
  • Student took home a class dojo login form, please sign the form and log in to check your child's account on class dojo.

  • If you have not sent the allergy and consent forms to school with your child, please make sure you do so tomorrow.
  • Please email me at, so I can update my contact list.
Have a wonderful evening!

Tr, Hina