Monday, 21 September 2015

Monday's Classwork and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz and the bonus was to write 3 nouns!:)

Math: We started our first unit today in math on PATTERNS. Today we talked about how a pattern is repeated, the different attributes we have when making a pattern (colour, shape, size..etc). students took turns  in groups to show  different patterns,and they completed some  repeated pattern worksheets independently.

Read to Self: We went over the I CHART for Read to Self then,students took their book boxes and read quietly.

Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and they took turns to share some of the good deeds they did over the weekend. Students wrote a good deed they did over the weekend on a post- it, and  then they went to post them on the  Dhul Hijja Good Deed Board.

  • Students  took home an Eid Field Trip form  (due date is Wednesday,23/19/2015)
  • Donate to help Syria.
Have a great evening!