Sunday, 24 April 2016

Class Updates and Reminders!

Dear Parents


We had a great week Alhahumdulilah!

Spelling:  Students wrote a quiz for lesson 26 (adding endings in the base words).
 and then marked each other's spelling quizzes. Students then  completed  activities for lesson 27(adding endings in the base words).

Spelling Bee: We had our third spelling bee in the class, Alhumdulilah! It was a tough competition again and all the participants did an excellent job, MashaAllah. The winners for the spelling bee# 3 are:


Congratulations to all of them!

Reading: Students practiced reading stamina during read to self.
 AlsoSr. Madlien read us the story called Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World's Most Famous Bear and  then we completed a comprehension worksheet about the story.


Writing: On Tuesday, students started to work on their autobiographies.

Math: We started a unit on "Telling Time."  This week, the class learning goals were to explore and tell time to 5 minutes interval, half past(half an hour), quarter to, and quarter past. We  practiced telling time through different shared, guided and independent activities in the class.

Science: On Tuesday, students wrote a test on "Properties of Matter".

We started our next Science Unit, Earth and Space Systems, Air and Water in the Environment.
By the end of this unit, your child will:
- demonstrate an awareness of the forms in which water and air are present in the environment, and describe ways in which living things are affected by water and air.
- investigate the visible effects of air and water in the environment.
 To start off the unit, we learned about natural and man- made resources by watching  two educational videos and then had a discussion as a class.

Social Studies: We've been talking about different communities around the world. We  watched   a video about an Indian community, an African community, and a South American community.

Computer Lab/ Media Literacy/ Writing on Earth day: 

Students started to design Earth Day posters digitally with their partners.First, they made a rough draft of their poster. Next,they learned how to draw pictures on Microsoft paint,  how to change colour, font, and font size while writing to persuade people to take care of our planet.

Math Centres:Students had a great time practicing how to tell time through different activities during our weekly math centers.



Art: Students made an earth medal craft on Earth day.

  • Spelling test on lesson 27 will be on Monday.
  •  Homework pack due on Thursday.
  • Spelling Bee # 4  will be  on May 20th, inshaaAllah! The students are doing a great job, so to make it more challenging, the competition will be from all the columns of the spelling bee words! Also, it will be a good review of what they have learned over these past 2 months.
  • Please send an empty and big cereal box for autobiography project.
Jazakum Allahu Khairun!

Have a Great Weekend!