Sunday, 23 April 2017

Class Updates!

Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,

Here are some updates regarding what we have accomplished in the past two weeks:

Spelling:  Students wrote a quiz on lesson 28 and completed activities for lesson 29 (words with vowel pairs such as ea, oe, and ie). Students wrote the spelling list words in their agendas to practice for the quiz.

Math: We started and finished learning about probability. Students learned to describe probability as a measure of the likelihood that an event will occur, using mathematical language (i.e., impossible, unlikely, less likely, equally likely, more likely, certain). We practiced this math skill through different activities. We completed related worksheets, watched videos to solidify our concept, invited math buddies to play a game of pulling out skittles from a bag without looking, and made flap books to describe each probability vocabulary word by writing a sentence about each. Last Friday, students wrote a pop quiz to show what they know about probability.

Starting Monday, we will start a new unit called "Geometry and Spatial Sense" inshaaAllah. Our focus in the coming week will be identifying and sorting two-dimensional shapes (2-D Shapes) according to their attributes and also locating the line of symmetry in  2-D shapes.

Reading Comprehension/Writing: Students continued to complete comprehension activities for chapters 6 and 7 from our novel study of "Chocolate Fever". They wrote summaries for chapter 5 and 6 independently. Moreover, students did a self to text connection through a compare and contrast activity where they compared Henry's breakfast with their own breakfast. They also learned how to find the main idea and supporting details of a fiction text. They also found the main idea for each chapter of our novel study. Last but not least, they came up with a story and acted out in their groups to show the story elements of their skit (character, setting, problem, and solution). This activity helped them to identify the characters and settings for each chapter of the "Chocolate Fever."
The plot of "Chocolate Fever"" is very engaging and has lots of lessons to be learned. Ask your child to retell the story to you until chapter 8. 

Social Studies: We've been busy exploring interesting facts related to the earth's  7 continents and 5 oceans for the past two weeks. We watched an educational video to learn some fascinating facts about the 7 continents and 5 oceans and then completed related worksheets to solidify our knowledge.

Islamic Studies:
 We read the story of Prophet Nuh and are currently working on a comprehensive package to thoroughly understand the story of one of the earliest prophet of Allah (SWT).

Science: We started a new unit in Science called "Movement". In this unit, students will:
  • Investigate and describe different kinds of movement (e.g., by observing how toys and other everyday objects move) 
  • Investigate the structure and function of simple machines.
  • identify the six basic types of simple machines – lever; inclined plane; pulley; wheel and axle, screw,  and wedge – and give examples of ways in which each is used in daily life to make tasks easier.

Cooperative Spring Mural: We started to work on our "Cooperative Spring Mural". Students showed cooperation by taking turns painting the sky and the grass for our spring mural. We can't wait to see the complete result of our cooperation.:)

Diversity Trail Mix Project Update: Students made a big batch of "Diversity Trail Mix" to be distributed among the guests who came to learn about Islam in the MAC event. The "Open Doors" event happened on April 15th and we are very thankful to Allah (SWT) that grade 2B was a part of that event.
A big JazkumAllahu Khairun to our awesome parent volunteers Sister Suha and Sister Mahveen who helped us in making the Diversity Trail Mix bags.


  • Homework pack is due on Thursday.
  • Spelling quiz on lesson 26 will be on Tuesday inshaaAllah. Students wrote their spelling words in their agenda to practice for the quiz but just in case your child forgets to bring his/her agenda, here are the list words: beat, roads, mean, lay, main, lower, pie, tie, toes, read.
  • bonus: probability, Prophet Nuh, and flood.
  • Encourage your child to read on Razkids every day for twenty minutes.
J Jazakum Allahu Khairun!