Monday, 23 February 2015

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents


Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz ,they marked each other's work.
 We started lesson 21 and learned about  spelling pattern with c and ck sound. We finished some exercises related to it in our spelling book.

Math: Students completed worksheets on place value. We learned different ways to write numbers! We wrote standard forms, number words, expanded forms and showed our numbers using pictures ( Big squares, sticks and small squares)

Gym: We played Dodge Ball.

Islamic Studies: We talked about how the Prophet (SAW) loved children.

Reminder: Today students took the second sheet for "I Love Sunnah". Don't forget to send the first sheet to school with your child.

  • Complete page page 88"Writing Directions" in your spelling book.
  • Copy down list words lesson 21 in your agenda.

Have a great evening!