Sunday, 22 February 2015


Assalam Alaikoum  

 Dear Parents,
 I hope my email finds you in good health and Eman
This week, your child began a new unit: Comment y aller?
Our second unit is based on an experience of a girl who lives in Québec.
She decides to visit her friend who lives in Paris. She ends up taking
numerous methods of transportation in order to finally reach her destination.
The story is entitled Comment y aller? (How do I get there?). Your
child will continue to increase her/his vocabulary in French by using the
Gesture Approach and will also review previously learned words with the
associated gestures. Please encourage your child to continue to share
with you what s/he is learning in French class. At the end of this unit,
your child will make another presentation to you and other family members.
Once again, at-home video/DVD support with the accompanying text
is available for your son or daughter as s/he progresses through this unit.
The video/DVD contains all the gestured vocabulary taught during this
unit, as well as the play  performed by students. A few minutes
spent several times each week watching different segments of this
video/DVD is a beneficial review for your child. A suggested schedule for
practicing with the video/DVD accompanies this letter. Homework relating
to this unit begins in the first week of the unit, and the initial homework
is review of gestured vocabulary introduced in the first unit. Please encourage
your son or daughter to spend some time reviewing the gestures,
play, song – don’t hesitate to ask your child to explain the
various components of the video/DVD.
Au revoir!

   In order to do well in French this term, your child will:
•  participate actively in class, in French only;
•  work cooperatively with others in the class while answering questions;
•  learn the gestures covered in class;
•  learn the gesture associations;
•  participate in songs, chants, and games with enthusiasm;
•  complete class work;
•  seek help when needed.
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
•  learn the words in this unit;
•  use French spontaneously, both with the teacher and with peers;
  pronounce words correctly;
•  answer questions based on the story;
•  perform the play;
•  listen well;
•  cooperate with peers while working with a partner;
•  participate with enthusiasm;
•  complete work on time;
•  stay focused and productive in class.
   I am looking forward to working with your child. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions regarding this outline or your child’s progress. Please encourage your child to share with you what and how s/he is learning in French class.
You find in attachment:
List of vocabulary 
Les mots en action
Choisis le bon mot ( activity )

French Teacher