Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Classwork and Quran Homework

Dear Parents


Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Writing: Students wrote six compound sentences about the Prophet (SAW) as a child.

Guided Reading: Tr. Naaz joined us for our third guided reading session. We read stories and made connections.

Math: Students completed worksheets where they used doubles to find sums (doubles plus 1).

Science: We had a LIQUID RACE today to see which liquids move faster (syrup, mustard and ketchup). Students answered questions about the liquids and drew each liquid.

Quran Homework: Practice Surat Al-Borooj Ayahs 10 to 19.


  • Tomorrow 2B  has assembly! Please make sure your child comes to school early tomorrow. 
  • We are making fruit kababs tomorrow in shaa Allah. Please send a sliced fruit with your child to school tomorrow. (e.g. strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, banana, or apple)

Have a wonderful evening!