We had a great week Alhumdulilah!
Reading/ Writing:Students sat on the carpet and we talked about the author's purpose (to persuade, to inform or to entertain)Then, students listened to a book called "I wanna Iguana" and brainstormed as a class how to persuade their parents to have a pet.
Students completed a worksheet where they chose a pet and wrote reasons why this pet is good and how they would take care of it. The next day, we talked about different parts of a friendly letter. Each student wrote a letter to his/her parents convincing them to get a pet. They used the drafts they'd made the day before.Students did a great job MashaAllah!
Math: Students practiced fact families and then had a pop quiz on it. They also made a rocketship fact family craft to show what they know about fact families.
Math Centers Fun:We played addition games during our math centres time.
Health:Students worked in their groups to work on a healthy eating activity called " Mixed Dishes".For each picture of mixed dish(combination food"), students identified food from the four food groups and those that do not fit.
Art:After reading and writing about the book called " Snowmen At Night" students made their snowman at night using white and coloured chalk. They also learned how to make shadows for snowmen at night. They all did an amazing job, MashaAllah!
Islamic Studies: We sat on the carpet and Issra started to read a chapter about Dua from I love Islam textbook.
Save Fredy:On Friday, students took part in a team building activity called "Save Fredy! Fredy is a gummy worm who was on his boat (a cup) when it started to sink. Fortunately, Fredy had a life preserver (gummy Lifesaver) in his boat! Unfortunately, it was still in the boat (under the cup). The goal was to get Fredy into the Lifesaver without touching him, the boat, or the life preserver with your hands. Each person in the group got a paper clip, to save Fredy. They all had a blast with this activity:) Here are some picture:
Quran Homework:
Please study Surat Al-Aala Ayah 16-19 for the test on Jan 21st,2016
- Students have a weekly spelling quiz on Monday, Jan 11th, 2016 (Lesson 16).
- Students took their spelling books home to practice for the weekly spelling quiz on lesson 16..
- Please sign and return jungle sport permission slip by Friday, if you want your child to take part in this activity.
- Homework pack is due next Thursday, Jan 22nd, 2016.
- Grade 2A and 2B are going to attend jungle sport activities on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please send your child in comfortable gym clothing (no skinny jeans and shorts)