We had a fabulous week, Alhamdulillah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz on lesson 16 (Y as a Vowel), and we completed lesson 17 where we learned words that end in "LE".
Reading: Sr. Madlien joined us and read a great book called "A Tower of Giraffes." The book is about animal bunches. Students completed a fun word puzzle about animal bunches, and we got to learn some great new vocabulary about animal bunches.
Writing: On Tuesday, since we are learning about fish, I read an informative book called "Great White Sharks." We learned interesting facts about great white sharks. Then, each student wrote an informative piece about great white sharks. They all did a great job!
Math: Last Monday,we started our new unit on "LINEAR MEASUREMENT." We learned that we can measure different objects using nonstandard units (pencil, paper clip, hand width, straw...etc).
Students wrote the definitions of HEIGHT and LENGTH in their math journals, then they drew things that are shorter or longer.They also completed page 41 and 43 in their math books. Moreover, students measured their shoe print using 3 different nonstandard units.
On Tuesday, students chose a partner and measured him/her's height using a string. On Wednesday, we completed another engaging activity and watched the first half of an audio story called "How Big is a Foot?," where a king wanted to give his queen a bed as a gift. Students worked in groups to make beds for the queen that were 6 feet long and 3 feet wide (measurements from the story) only to find that the beds were different sizes since our feet are different sizes. We finished watching the video and learned that using STANDARD UNITS would have been much easier!
On Friday, first we reviewed measuring with non-standard units by making wiggly worms and snowmen of different sizes out of play dough. Then, we learned how to use a ruler using cm as a standard unit of measurement. We wrote the definition of CENTIMETRES and drew 1cm and 10cm lines with our rulers. We also completed a worksheet where we measured the length of different sizes of laces.
Islamic Studies: We started a new unit called " SEERAH." Students took turns reading about "THE YEAR OF ELEPHANT" and then we discussed it as a class. In the next class we will talk about the importance of the YEAR OF ELEPHANT in Islam.
Gym: We went with the 2As to the gym for Jungle Sport fun, and had a great time Alhamdulilah!
Social Studies: Students wrote a pop quiz where they labeled a map with the continents and oceans, and then answered questions about the continents and oceans.
Science: We reviewed what we know about fish and their characteristics. Students then wrote five special things about fish independently.
MARSHMALLOW SNOWMAN:We made marshmallow snowmen by using marshmallow, coloured icing and pop sticks. Afterwards we ate them..... Yum!!
MARSHMALLOW SNOWMAN:We made marshmallow snowmen by using marshmallow, coloured icing and pop sticks. Afterwards we ate them..... Yum!!
- Spirit day # 4 is on Thursday January 28th and it will be MELLOW YELLOW DAY :) See: http://elementarybulletin.abraarschool.com/
- Spelling quiz on lesson 17 (words that end in LE) is on Monday.
- Please sign your child's agenda.
- Homework pack is due on Thursday.
- Students took home their Islamic Studies quiz. Please sign and return it on Monday.
I hope you have a great weekend insha'Allah!