Assalamu Alaikum
Today we had a wonderful day alhumdulilah!
We learned our new list words, lesson 28, students learned to add endings to words that end in y and e. They answered questions about the new list words in their spelling books.
Math: We revised the properties of 3D solids, and students completed a worksheet where they wrote the number of faces, edges, and vertices of different 3D shapes.
We started a new unit, Linear Measurement, Area, and Perimeter. Students measured different objects using non-standard units. We completed page 196 in our math books.
Our unit of study is air and water, however today we looked at wood because both air and water play an important role in the life cycle of a tree. Trees use water for growth, and also they release water vapour into the air as part of the water cycle. Trees "breathe" in carbon dioxide and "breathe" out oxygen, which we need to survive. Air also helps trees by spreading seeds for new growth. We documented these facts on our worksheet.
- Please sign your child's spelling note books.
- We wrote our Math homework in our agendas.
- Spirit Day is this Wednesday! Earth day.... wear BLUE and GREEN
- 3D Shapes test is on Friday.
Have a great evening!