Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Assalamu Alaikum

Dear Parents,

Today we had a wonderful day alhumdulilah!

Math:Students had a pop quiz on subtraction with regrouping.

Math:Today we started a new unit on geometric shapes. This week we will be focusing on 2D shapes, inshaAllah. Also, students took their math book home. Please read and sign the learning objectives on page 214 in their math book.

Language:We discussed and shared the topics that we could write in our autobiographies.

Computer Lab:Students went to the computer lab and played educational games.

Gym:We went outside during our gym time and played soccer and hop scotch.

Science:Today we learned the difference between natural and man made environments and completed a worksheet in our air and water booklets.

  • Seerah Quiz Part 1 is Tomorrow (Unit B, chapters 1 to 4)
  • Please sign your child's agenda.
  •  Abraar School`s Year Book forms were sent home today. 
  • Please read and sign page 214 of the math book and return tomorrow.
Have a great evening!