Thursday, 29 October 2015

Classwork and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Language:Students learned how to write a simple sentence (A simple sentence expresses a single complete thought). It must have a capital letter at the beginning, a noun, a verb, and must  end with a period. Keeping these things in mind, students wrote 5 simple sentences in their journals and underlined the nouns and verbs in their sentences. They did a wonderful job, MashaAllah!

Math: In the beginning of math class, we filled up an exit slip about repeating and growing patterns. On the slips, we wrote what we have learned about patterning.

Then, we discussed as a class what we know about 10s and 1s and completed an activity about tens and ones in our math workbooks.

Gym: For gym class, we went to the public park and students played cooperatively with their friends.

Science:Today students started to learn about Insects. They watched a video about physical characteristics of insects and then took part in a discussion. Students also finished a worksheet where they labelled different body parts of insects and wrote down the names of different types of insects.

  • Students have a spelling quiz on Monday on the list words:
                    save, lake, face, same, gate, rake, tape, sail, paint, afraid.
  • Homework pack #4 is due next Thursday.
  • Please read the parent letter for the new unit on "Exploring Numbers".
  • Sign your child's agenda.
  • Practice Surah Al-Ghashiyah, Ayahs 6-10 for Quran Class.
Have a wonderful evening!

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Classwork and Reminder

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students maintained stamina for 30 minutes while reading to self. I worked with students on the DRA.

Language:We started to learn about verbs. Students worked in groups to make a mind map about verbs on chart paper. Three groups presented their mind maps in front of the class. They all did a wonderful job, Masha-Allah!

Math: Students worked in groups to solve a growing pattern word problem on chart paper, using a T Chart.

We started a new unit in Math called "Number Sense and Numeration." A letter will be sent home to parents soon in shaa Allah. To start the unit we brainstormed the guiding question, "How do we use Numbers?," as a class. We used a mind map and took turns to share how many ways we can see and use numbers in real life. Students then made their own mind map independently on page 12 in their Nelson Workbooks.

Gym: For gym class, we played Dodge Ball.

Social Studies:Today we learned that apart from 7 continents, there are 5 oceans that surround these continents. We also learned the difference b/w a map and globe. Finally, we completed a worksheet where we labelled and located the 5 oceans on the map.

  • Students have a spelling quiz on Monday on the list words from lesson 7 (long vowel a).
  • Homework pack is due tomorrow.
  • Tomorrow is TWIN DAY!
  • Practice Surah Al-Ghashiyah, Ayahs 6-10 for Quran Class.
Have a wonderful evening!

Massage From Tr. Sahar (Arabic Teacher)

الصف الثاني : المعلمة سحر 

Gr :2B                                         
Dictation )ٍٍSpelling test ) on Friday 30 /10

املاء الجمعة 30/10 في الاتي:

توت  - كتابة  -  كوب  -  بابك -  كما - امام

Jazakumullahu khairan,

Tr. Sahar,

Message From Tr. Said(French)

Assalam alaikoum Dear parents, 

Students will have a French spelling  test on Friday, October 30,2015 incha allah

Montre – camping – monte – tente – trop – feu – bois . trou.


Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Today's Classwork and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students maintained stamina for 25 minutes while reading to self. I worked with students on the DRA.

Language:Students worked on guided writing in their journals about cooperation.

 Math: Today we learned that patterns can be used in real life everyday. We answered two growing pattern word problems as a class.Students then solved some real life word problems in their journals.

Gym: For gym class, we went outside with the 2As and had a fabulous time playing in the leaves. Students were divided into two groups, and their task was to make a huge piles of leaves! We had so much fun alhamdulilah!


  • Students have a spelling quiz on Monday on the list words in lesson 7 (long vowel a)
  • Homework pack is due on Thursday.
  • This Thursday is TWIN DAY!
  • Practice Surah Al-Ghashiyah Ayah 6-10 for Qutan Class.
Have a wonderful evening!

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Class Updates, Homework and Important Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

Here are some class updates from last week,

Language:We used a strategy called mind map to organize information about our character education theme of the month, "Cooperation". mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information.

Reading: Students maintained stamina for 25 minutes while reading to self and I worked with some students on the DRA.

Science: We reviewed  the characteristics of birds as a class. Then students worked independently to write 5 special things about birds.

Math: We solved a growing pattern word problem as a class using a T-Chart, and then we wrote what we used to solve the problem (WIN: words, illustration, numbers). After that, students worked independently to complete a worksheet on growing patterns where they extended growing patterns and explained it in aT- Chart. 

Islamic Studies: On Thursday, we finished reading the story of Prophet Adam and we learned the names of Allah (SWT), Al- Ghafar, and Al- Ghafoor (The All Forgiving). Yesterday we reviewed the story of Prophet Adam by watching a video and then took turns answering questions about the story.

Art: Yesterday, students used egg shells to make a lovely frame with Allah's name, Al- Awal. They all did a wonderful job Masha'Allah.

Clean up Time: After making a mind map about cooperation. the 2Bs worked together to sort, clean and organize our class. They did a fabulous job working together masha'Allah!

  • Homework pack is due on Thursday.
  • Monday's spelling quiz will be a revision on lessons 1 to 5.Revise the list words with your child in a fun and engaging way by playing a game where you select three words from each lesson and your child has, for example 20 seconds, to write them and collect points. :)
  • Encourage your child to explore Razkids everyday for twenty minutes.

  • Thursday, Oct 29th is Spirit Day (TWINS DAY)..... Read the flyer for more information about Spirit Day: 
  • Students took home their spelling workbook to practice for their spelling test.
  •  Students took home a field trip form.The trip is on November 10th. 
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Message from Tr. Sahar (Arabic)

أود الاشارة الى ....اننا هذا العام اتبعنا نظام جديد في تحديد مستوى التلاميذ لجميع الفصول بشكل متسلسل  ،حيث قسمت  جميع الفصول الى 16 مستوى ،ابتداء  من الصف الاول (المستوى 1 ) و ختاما بالصف الثامن  ( المستوى 16 ) .
فالصف الثاني الذي أقوم بتدريسه لهذا العام بناء على التقسيم الجديد ، هو المستوى الرابع.........  ففي حالة متابعتكم اليومية  للبلوك الخاص بالواجبات المنزلية  أوالرسائل ، الرجاء متابعة ما هو  فقط  تحت  عنوان (الواجب المنزلي  المستوى 4 - المعلمة سحر )  ......   وجزاكم الله خيرا  

Class Update and Important Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a very PRODUCTIVE and FABULOUS day Alhumdululilah!

Reading: Students are working on maintaining reading stamina during "read to self" time. They continued to maintain their reading stamina for 30 minutes, Masha'Allah! Keep up the great work 2B! While students were reading, some students took turns reading to me and answered questions about what they read (DRA).

Language:  Yesterday, students participated in a graffiti activity on Common and Proper Nouns. During the Graffiti activity, students brainstormed ideas and recorded them on large sheets of chart paper. This is a creative way to collect thoughts from all or most of the students in the classroom. Students were given a choice to draw pictures or words about Common and Proper nouns. They did a great job, MashaAllah.

Today, students played a game called "Catch The Ball" to review Common and Proper nouns and then they wrote a pop quiz on it.

Math: We have been practicing how to create and extend growing patterns through different methods (pictures, word problems, and T-chart). Today, students solved a word problem by drawing a growing pattern and then wrote a pattern rule to describe their pattern,

Science: Students did a comparison between a penguin and a bird on a Venn Diagram worksheet. 

Social Studies: Today, we had our first lesson on our first unit in Social Studies. In this unit, students will be learning:
  • To Identify and locate continents, significant bodies of water, the equator, poles, and hemispheres on maps or globes.
  • To understand  and use cardinal directions 
  • To develop their ability to use appropriate elements of maps(e.g., a title, symbols in a legend,direction, scale[non-standard],and colour) to help extract information and/or when constructing maps for specific purpose. 

Gym: Today, in gym we played foxes and rabbits.

Is. Studies:We started to learn about Prophet Adam.

  • Spelling test on "Lesson 6: Review lessons 1-5" will be on Monday, in shaa Allah
  • Students took home their spelling workbook to practice for their spelling test.
  • Sign the Quran rubric paper & return it to school by tomorrow.
  • Homework pack # 2 is due tomorrow!

Have a great evening!

Monday, 19 October 2015

A Message from Tr. Nancy

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum
I hope this email finds you well and in good health.
I hope that your fundraising for the Terry Fox Run is going well, inshaAllah. It is wonderful to see so many pledges already coming in!
Please note that Monday, October 26, is the deadline to return all Terry Fox School Run Pledges and monies to the library.

Thank you for your help in this crucial fight against cancer. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.
Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.

Nancy-Ann Brethour

Classwork and Important Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a FABULOUS day Alhumdululilah!

Reading: Students worked on maintaining stamina while reading to self. Masha'Allah today we   maintained our reading stamina for 30 minutes! Keep up the great work 2B! While students were reading, some students took turns to read to me and answer questions about what they read (DRA).

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 5 today and the bonus words were to write 3 common and 3 proper nouns.We  also completed lesson 6 in our spelling books, where we did review exercises for lessons 1-5. 

Language:   The new hijri year already started last Wednesday, Alhumdulilah.This year, we wanted to achieve a spiritual hijrah. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) migrated from not knowing to belief in Allah, and from injustice to justice. Our students are encouraged to decide on what spiritual migration they need to do (i.e. migrating from dishonesty to honesty, from disorganization to organization, from being distracted while praying to  becoming focused during prayer). On Friday, we talked about how we can perform spiritual migration by setting a goal to fix our shortcomings as a person. Afterwards, each student wrote down their goals for the new hijri year in their journals, Masha Allah.

Math: Students are practicing how to create and extend different growing patterns using a T-Chart and 3 Column Chart. You can help your child by using the following example at home:

Science: We reviewed characteristics of birds as a class. Then, we discussed why birds are unique creatures amongst animals. Afterwards, students started to complete an All About Birds worksheet independently in their science folders.

  • Spelling test on "lesson 6" "Review=lessons1-5 will be on Monday in shaa Allah
  • Students took home their spelling workbook to practice for the review" lesson 6".
  • Sign the Quran rubric paper & return it to school by Thursday.
  • Homework pack# 2 is due Thursday,October 22,2015.
  • Please sign your child's spelling quiz and send it to school tomorrow.
  • Hot lunch forms deadline is tomorrow!

Have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Today's Classwork!

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful  day Alhumdululilah!

Reading: Students worked on maintaining stamina while reading to self. Masha'Allah today we continued to maintain our reading stamina for 25 minutes! Keep up the great work 2B! While students were reading, some students took turns to read to me and answer questions about what they read (DRA).

 Language:  Students reviewed common and proper nouns and completed some worksheets independently.

Math: Students did a pop quiz on repeating patterns.

Science: We watched an educational video on birds and discussed the characteristics of
birds as a class. Students started to work on a worksheet where they labelled the different parts of a bird.

Islamic Studies:Students took turns reading from their Islamic Studies textbook  about how muslims around the world celebrate Eid in different ways.

Class Dojo Party: Tomorrow is our first  monthly Class Dojo party in sha Allah. Please send a  healthy / nut- free snack along with your child tomorrow.

  • Spelling test on "lesson 5" will be on Monday in shaa Allah. The list words are: set, head, help, yet, bread, belt, tent, said, bed, sell.
  • Please sign your child's agenda. 
  • Homework pack# 2 is due next Thursday,October 22,2015.
  • Please sign your child's spelling quiz and send it to school tomorrow.
  • Encourage your child to explore Book Room on Razkids. In shaa Allah I will be giving students assignments on Razkids regularly once I am done with the DRA (Development Reading Assessment) 

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Classwork and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day Alhamdululilah!

Reading: Students worked on maintaining stamina while reading to self. Masha'Allah today we maintained stamina for 25 minutes! ! While students were reading, some students took turns to read to me and answer questions about what they read (DRA).

 Language:  Students wrote a pop quiz on nouns!

Math: We  are learning about growing patterns, students wrote the meaning of GROWING PATTERN in their math journals and showed 2 growing patterns. Students also watched a video of a famous nursery rhyme "Old MacDonald had a Farm"  and identified a growing pattern in the song. Then,they worked in groups where they chose an animal from the song and created a growing pattern using a T- Chart.

  • Quran Test tomorrow!
  • Homework pack is due tomorrow in shaa Allah.
  • Please encourage your kid to read daily!!
  • Hot lunch forms have been sent home . Please make sure to fill it out and send full payment by Tuesday, October 20th. 

    No late orders will be accepted.


Have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Today's Classwork

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day Alhamdululilah!

Spelling: Students did their spelling quiz on lesson 4 todayWe completed lesson 5 in our spelling books where we learned words with the short vowel "e".

Science: We watched a video about the different animal categories (mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects) and we did 2 online quizzes as a class.

Math: We learned about growing patterns, students answered questions on growing patterns in their math books.

Home connection:
A growing pattern happens when something is added each time. Please encourage your child to create a growing pattern at home with pictures,objects, shapes, and numbers. Here is an example: 


Islamic Studies:Students made an accordion book on the story of Prophet Ibrahim. 

Gym:We went to the gym and played foxes and rabbits.

Have a great evening!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Class Updates and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

Reading: After going over the I Chart for Read to Self, students took their book boxes and read quietly while some students read to me. They maintained their reading stamina for 20 minutes again, MashaAllah. Way to go 2B!

 Language: We started to learn about common and proper nouns. Students completed a worksheet on common and proper nouns.

Math: Students solved a word problem on repeated patterning in their math journals.

Gym/Health: Students took turns to peel and cut apples which they collected from the Mountain Orchard.Then our wonderful parent volunteers from 2A and 2B made delicious apple pies.The students enjoyed those apple pies with yummy ice cream. Jazakum Allahu Khairun to all the volunteers who came and helped us. We couldn't have done without you!


  • Spelling test on "lesson 4" will be on Tuesday in shaa Allah. The list words are: gum, pot, dust, frog, must, sock, pup, shot, soft, tug
  • Please sign your child's agenda. 
  • Homework pack due next Thursday,October 15,2015!
  • Quran test on Surah Al-Bayyinah on Tuesday Oct-13-2015.
Have a great weekend!