Monday, 14 December 2015

Class Updates, Quran Homework, and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day today  Alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Today students wrote their spelling quiz on lesson 13 (blends with r an l), and the bonus was to write 3 words with consonant blends with r and l

Math: We reviewed bar graphs and pictographs by completing pages 26 and 27 in our math books. Students wrote a survey question, made a tally chart for the data collected, created a bar graph or pictograph, and then described their graph using math language. Great job, 2B!

Islamic Studies:We have been working hard since Friday on our " All About Wudu " lap book.  In this lap book, students are making  a step book of wudu, a wudu puzzle, a flower foldable that shows things that nullifies wudu, a wudu word search, and what the Quran says about wudu.They all are enjoying and doing a great job on their lap book, MashaAllah!
Stay tuned for the pictures:)

  • Quran :Surah Al-Aala Ayah 7-11

  • Students have a math test on BAR GRAPHS and PICTOGRAPHS on Wednesday (12/16/2015).
  • Work on the animal project (Project requirements and due dates were emailed on Nov 30th)
  • Please sign your child's spelling notebook.
  • Thursday will be SPIRIT DAY.. MIX AND MATCH!
  • Milk Order forms due Wednesday December 16th, 2015.
  • Please note that Hot Lunch Forms have been sent home. All forms are due by Dec. 17th, 2015 with full payment. 
    Sorry, late orders will NOT be accepted. 

Have a great evening!