Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Class Updates and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a great day today and yesterday Alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz on the long vowel "O" and the bonus question was to write the definition of a verb.

Today we completed lesson 10 in our spelling books where we learned new list words with the long vowel "E" sound.

Math: We revised the difference between ordinal and cardinal numbers, and students completed a worksheet on them.

Today we started a new chapter on Data Management. Students wrote down the meanings of key vocabulary words on Data Management (Data, Tally Marks, and Graph) in their math journals. Students also worked in their groups to read and answer questions about bar graphs. They did a wonderful job, MashaAllah.

Grammar: We learned that adjectives are describing nouns, and we played games to practice adjectives.

Gym: Today we played freeze tag and duck, duck, goose. We had a wonderful gym class, Alhamdulilah!

Science:  We reviewed  the characteristics of reptiles by making mind maps in our groups. Then, students went back to their seats and filled in a "5 Special Things" worksheet independently.

Estimation Station Activity:
Razi brought the ESTIMATION JAR, filled with mini candy boxes. Students wrote their estimation on sticky notes individually. Akif got the exact estimation which was 27 candy boxes, Masha Allah. Way to go 2B! Akif took home the Estimation Jar to bring it back on Thursday!

  • Students took home a reading stamina track sheet to record their reading stamina at home. 
  • Please review all of Surah Al-Ghashiyah.
  • Please bring your continent info sheet with 5 facts by tomorrow, if you haven't brought it in yet.

  • Thursday is Spirit Day! Wear green and white to show Abraar School Pride.
I hope you have a lovely evening!