Saturday, 21 November 2015

Last Week's Updates and Reminders!

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a great week last week Alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self.

Anti- Bullying Week:On Wednesday, students watched an audio story called "Chrysanthemum" and learned a message. The message was that name calling and teasing hurts people feelings. While listening to the story, each time a child was being mean to Chrysanthemum we crumpled up a heart cut out. After the story students took turns to say something nice to the person beside them and we tried to smooth out the wrinkled heart. The students got the connection that our own hearts feel wrinkled and crumpled sometimes when we don't like what someone says. Words do hurt! We then tried to put band-aids on the heart as a way to show that we can fix our mistakes and apologize.The heart will probably still be wrinkled, but it is healing. 


Students also completed a writing craft based on a picture book called "The Recess Queen". They all did a great job, Masha Allah!                                   

Writing: On Thursday, we started our second component of DAILY 5 which is Work on Writing. We learned the "I Chart" for work on writing, and then we were given a writing prompt,  "What would you do as a Bystander?"  to further extend our understanding on the topic of anti-bullying. Students did a great job maintaining stamina while writing independently!


Math: Students practiced ordinal numbers on a calendar worksheet. On Thursday, students wrote a pop quiz to show what they know about numbers.

 Issra brought the ESTIMATION JAR, filled with mini M&M boxes. This time, students wrote their estimation on sticky notes individually. Razi got the exact estimation which was 31 M& M boxes, Masha Allah. Razi took home the Estimation Jar to bring it back on Monday!

Library/ Project: On Wednesday, Tr. Nancy brought books about insects and birds, and each student chose his/her animal for the project. Then, she talked to the class about how to ask questions and what a KEYWORD is. After that, students started writing questions about their animal, and underline the keywords. (e.g. Where does the snow owl live?/ What does it eat?). 

Science:  We reviewed  the characteristics of reptiles as a class by playing a game "Hot Potato Pass it on" while sitting in a circle. Student  who got on fire had to answer a question about reptiles.Then, students went back to their seats and filled in an "All About Reptiles" worksheet independently.

Gym:We played Freeze Tag and Basketball in our Gym time.

  • Students have a spelling quiz on lesson 10 on Monday (long vowel sound u): those, low, goat, own, coat, go, hope, sold, over, ago.
  • Students should also learn the spelling of sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth for Monday's spelling quiz.
  • French homework was sent home.
  • No homework for this week!
  • Ticket reservation forms for Abraar Fun Night and Fundraising Dinner were sent home.

Have a great weekend!